Low Glycemic Index Diet
High Fiber Diet:

The fiber in whole grains is great for preventing constipation.  The fiber in fruits and vegetables is better for reducing LDL ("bad") cholesterol and for controlling your blood sugar level.  High fiber diets are believed to lower the risk of cancer of the colon, diverticulosis, irritable bowel syndrome and hemorrhoids.

The Food and Drug Administration and the National Cancer Institute recommend 20 to 30 grams of fiber per day.  The typical person eats about eight grams.  To reach this level you would need to eat four to six bowls of a high fiber cereal.  For all around health, aim to get your fiber from a variety of whole grains, beans, peas, fruits and vegetables.
Tips for adding fiber:

1.  Gradually increase the amount of fiber in your diet. This will allow your system to adjust and will decrease the risk of diarrhea, bloating and gas.

2.  Increase your fluid intake as you increase the fiber. More fiber without fluids can constipate you.

3.  Choose more raw than processed products and eat the skins if possible.

4.  Fibrous foods are superior to fiber pills or tablets. 
These medications can be used but foods have essential vitamins and minerals we need. 

5.  Popcorn is a surprise treat full of fiber.  Three and one half cups of air-popped popcorn without any fat provides more fiber (4.5 grams) than a raw carrot or half cup of green beans.

6.  For a snack or dessert reach for an apple or other high fiber fruit, such as pears or berries.
Click on the link below for help with your shopping list of high fiber foods.
1.  Eat Daily:

    Fruit (Low GI index , in moderation)
    Beans (Low GI index, in moderation) 

    Fruit (Low GI index, in moderation)
    Any type of grass fed meat
    Fish (Fresh caught is preferred over                farm raised)

​2.  Snacks:

    Nuts (e.g. almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts)
    Roasted peppers

    Nuts (as above)
    Roasted peppers
    Deli cuts
    Smoked salmon
3.  Avoid (except for cheat meals):

    Some Beans (High GI index variety)

4.  Eliminate entirely (except for cheat meals):

    Soda (Regular and Diet: choose regular over         diet due to aspartame)
    Fruit juices
    Dried fruit
    Chips (Potato, corn)
    Anything that comes prepackaged (e.g. TV         dinners)

5.  Use in moderation:

    Condiments (Ketchup & BBQ sauce, high GI         index)
Low GI foods don't raise insulin levels as dramatically as higher index foods. When insulin levels rise because of sugars in the blood stream, hormone sensitive lipase is inhibited keeping us from using fat as our main energy source.  This leads to weight gain and eventually insulin resistance.  Insulin resistance is a major cause of diabetes.  If we keep insulin levels high, we cannot burn fat and the body uses what is available which is our muscle tissue for much of our energy.  The body uses this system as a defense mechanism to store as much energy as possible for our survival against famine conditions.  This also slows our metabolism to a standstill.  In order to elevate our metabolism and use the fat as an energy source, our insulin levels need to remain lower.  This will promote weight loss, prevent or improve diabetes and also prevent or improve vascular disease. 
Telephone: (580) 223-6767
Recommended Diet Plans:

1.  The Full Plate Diet:  (fullplateliving.org)
        Emphasis on plant based foods and fiber.

2.  The Cruise Control Diet:  (www.cruisecontroldiet.com)
        Emphasis on decreasing simple and complex carbs.

3.  The South Beach Diet:  (www.southbeachdiet.com)
        They provide purchasable low carb meal options